Stainless Steel Pots and Pans

Stainless Steel Pots and Pans

What you cook with is just as important to your health as what you cook. You want to choose high quality, long-lasting cookware, not made of toxic material that will leach into your food. Good quality stainless steel pots and pans are among the safest cookware available.

Stainless steel is strong, will not buckle or rust and is not easily scratched. Suitable for cooking at high temperature, this cookware retains heat for a long period of time. Metal handles allow this cookware to conveniently go from stovetop to oven.

Though it is referred to as “stainless,” you will still notice some stains appearing from time to time. To clean, use dish detergent with a little baking soda and a non-abrasive sponge. For tougher stains try heating vinegar, water and baking soda in the pot on the stovetop for about five minutes. Take off the heat to the sink and proceed to carefully scrub the stains away with baking soda, dish detergent and water. Make sure your cookware is completely clean and dry before storing. Do not stack your pan. Instead, hang them or store them separately on a shelf. If you notice multiple scratches inside your pot or pan, corrosion or permanent stains that won’t scrub off no matter what, or material coming off of the pan into your food – it is time to replace it.

A set like the 12-piece Multiclad Pro Triple Ply Stainless Steel cookware set by Cuisinart is a moderate investment but includes everything you need in a good quality set. With proper care this set should last you decades.

By Dasha Ross, Certified Integrative Health Coach

*Not sponsored by Cuisinart TM